Club Eligibility

The Tilly will be capped at 16 clubs.  New clubs will be considered for membership primarily when an existing member club leaves the event. 

Clubs that are interested in competing in The Tilly should meet the following criteria:

  • Be a member in good standing of the Metropolitan Golf Association and the Long Island Golf Association

  • Have 30 members with a handicap index of less than 8.0

  • Have hosted or are scheduled to host at least one of the following events, in the history of the club:

  • Long Island Golf Association (LIGA) Open or Men’s Amateur Championships

  • Metropolitan Golf Association (MGA) Open, Men's Amateur or Ike Championships

  • Any USGA Championship (not including qualifiers)

  • Any PGA Tour event.

Then, the club should contact The Tilly Director to discuss the competition. The club may then be placed on The Tilly waiting list should an opening occur.

Player Eligibility

Within a given club, eligible participants include amateur (as defined in the USGA Rules of Amateur Status) members with a verifiable handicap from that club.

Each club is encouraged (but not required) to include not more than one representative from the club’s professional shop for each intragroup and playoff round. Professionals may play home or away. Consideration should be given to having the representatives from the pro shop play their matches against each other, but there is no requirement to do so. 

Each club is encouraged (but not required) to include not more than one member younger than 25 years of age for each intragroup and playoff round. This would typically apply to a full, primary member's dependent with a verifiable handicap from that club. (note: captains should refer to relevant NCAA and scholastic eligibility rules for these players competing on nonschool teams). If a contestant is under age 25 and is also a full, primary member of the club, he will not be disallowed from playing under this rule. 

In intragroup matches, players may compete for more than one club of which they are a member.  However, a player may compete in only one match on a given day. Participants may play for only one club in the playoffs.

There is no requirement for any one player to participate in more than one match.

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